Limited Edition Molly O’Reilly Say Hello to Molly O’Reilly. Molly was born in Gardner street, in the heart of Dublin city in 1900. Molly was an exceptional girl and at the tender age of 11 joined the republican girl scouts, at 13 Molly worked voluntarily to support the families of the Dublin lock out and helped organize a soup kitchen in liberty hall. Molly became a member of the Irish Citizen army and her proudest moment was raising the flag at Liberty hall one week before the Easter Rising for James Connolly. On Easter Monday 1916 Molly marched with the Citizen army to occupy the GPO, she fearlessly carried notes for the leaders in and out of GPO during Easter Week in the midst of heavy rifle and machine gun fire. Molly o Reilly was an extraordinary girl, she helped those in need, stood strong and fought for what she believed in. Treasured dolls salutes Molly o Reilly and the brave girls of 1916.

Victorian-inspired role-playing dollhouse for classic play-Molly O Reilly